Mars into Taurus & Mercury in Cancer: Soft Focus

posted in: Entering a New Sign | 0

Before we woke up, two personal planets shifted signs. This morning felt different somehow, even if you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. The atmosphere shifted into something softer, slower, and steadier.

We’re still in the Crescent phase, sorting out how to move forward. How do these changes affect us?

Mars in Aries was quick, sharp, pushy, and irritable. This has been a strong Mars, comfortable in his own skin. They’ve felt no need to explain, let alone apologize.

Mars in Taurus is weaker, unable to command the resources they had at their fingertips just yesterday.

If you’re fiery, direct, and active, you’re wondering what happened. Motivation has collapsed. Nothing’s moving. Shifts in schedule feel like unnecessary delays. You’re not happy.

If Mars in Aries felt like too much, you’re breathing a sigh of relief. Life was moving too fast. Too much was falling through the cracks. A slower pace lets us create a strong foundation. We can build to last.

Mercury is powerful in Gemini, their home. Mercury has been bright, quick, clever, funny, sarcastic, irreverent, and original.

In Cancer, Mercury slows way down. Emotion rather than idea is the focus. We’re thinking more about feelings and watching how we express ourselves. We’re more careful and also more caring.

Did you love Mercury in Gemini? Fresh ideas. Quick timing. A lack of filters. If so, you’ll wonder where the sparkle went. Thinking feels fogged in. Who needs to get in touch with their feelings? I want clever interactions.

Was Mercury in Gemini too fast? Ideas, memes, and jokes coming in on top of each other. No chance to process, let alone respond. Too many clever posts and not enough real content. If so, Mercury in Cancer could be your jam. Feelings are foundational. Clever wordplay without anything behind it is just empty. You’re feeling more grounded.

Whether we like the changes or not, here we are.

What’s it like when stuff slows down? When feelings are foreground. When slow is what’s happening.

Notice how you’re affected.

Title adapted from Nadiia Ploshchenko

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