Astrological Beltaine: Inner Fire

posted in: Cancer, Crescent Moon, Eclipse | 0

Welcome, Beltaine! Have you been dancing with spirits of Nature since May 1? All the better!

At Beltaine, we revel in the vibrant force of life, dance in woods and fields, welcome magic, and renew our connections to Nature.

We begin the bright half of the bright half of the year. This is a hinge, portal, threshold, liminal place, and invitation.

Who invites us? Step outside and find out! Feel the Earth under your feet, the sun on your face, the wind in your hair. Who calls you? Answer that call.

Astrologically, the four festivals of the Celtic calendar arrive at 15° of the fixed signs. Taurus and Beltaine are the perfect pairing to sink into the sensual pleasures of the natural world: good food, good company, good music, good fun.

Unexpected magic erupts into our lives. Nature reaches out to us and awaits our answer.

This year, the power of the unexpected is strong as the Taurus Sun moves from Uranus the awakener toward the North Node wanting new things. We’re between eclipses, another sign of reverberating change.

Venus, queen of Taurus, and the North Node, ignites the solid dependability of fixed Earth with inner Fire. In the northern hemisphere, spring is that fire, the force of life surging into new forms.

In this time between eclipses, we celebrate that surge. We open to the unexpected. Welcome surprise. Listen for news on the wind. Dance with change.

This is not the best time for focused, goal-drive action. Too much is in flux. Neither do we sit on our hands.

At Beltaine, we enter the flow of life not knowing where it will take us. We respond to what invites us in. Our antennae are up and tuned in. We watch, listen, respond.

The world does not sit still. We’re not meant to either. We engage in the issues of the day. We live our lives, knowing all is in flux. We feel where energy wants to go. Things are and will be changing.

Our inner fires are lit. Tend the flame.

Image adapted from White.Rainforest ∙ 易雨白林.

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