Crescent Moon in Gemini: Split

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We’re about to step from the New Moon chaos of the solar eclipse into a Crescent Moon poised in the final degree of Gemini.

We’ve entered the first eclipse portal of the year. Right now, we’re betwixt and between, with a Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio before us.

We’re also at a turning of the ancient Celtic year, the time of Beltaine. By the calendar, Beltaine is celebrated May 1, immediately after the New Moon eclipse. Astrologically, Beltaine arrives when the Sun reaches 15 Taurus, which is May 5.

Portals are open. At this bright time of the year, we look for encounters with the fae, but many connections are possible.

Throughout this waxing cycle, dreams and visions are likely to be strong. Divination practices like the Tarot may lead to surprising insights. Portents, augury, readings runes, consulting oracles, all powerful.

We’re betwixt Pisces and Aries as well. Venus left the cosmic oceans for the fires of Aries and will soon be followed. Jupiter enters Aries before the Full Moon. Both good luck planets shift into a new round of the zodiac, moving from a sign where they are very happy into one they find more challenging.

Aries brings fresh, fiery desire into the mix. A push for action. Yet care is needed because the time between eclipses is not for making plans or reaching goals. This is a time for watching.

We are best served by paying attention to what is emerging around us. Yes, of course, we need to continue with our lives. But in larger matters, it’s best to embrace patience.

Well, perhaps we need something more like readiness.

Notice the Sun conjunct Uranus as the Crescent phase opens. A reminder we’re in a time of change that runs deep and might not show itself right away.

The Moon at the end of Gemini sees a choice looming, a fork in the road. Having traversed the sign of the twins, it’s time to choose one over the other. How can we manage this while waiting for news?

We can consider process over product. Orientation over decision. Ways of thinking instead of getting things done.

These too are choices.

Images adapted from Jason Leung

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