Waxing Sextile Moon in Cancer: Songs from the Heart

posted in: Cancer, Waxing Sextile | 0

Overnight, the Moon sextiles the Sun to create a moment of harmony and insight within the Crescent phase.

This time, as we dance between eclipses, we feel, and dream, of sweetness.

The Moon in Cancer sextiles the Sun in Taurus while also trining Mars in Pisces. Our hearts align with the Earth. Our feelings flow with love and support. Our actions reach beyond our ordinary understandings.

All of this aligns with the Nodes of the Moon, the head and tail of the dragon, where we reach for new things we want and release what we no longer need.

This cycle of acquisition and release can become a process of transformation. We bring in the material and alchemize it into spiritual understandings.

Venus, ruler of the Sun, Uranus, and the North Node is here too, sextiling Mercury in Gemini who prepares for their upcoming retrograde.

Feel the flow from past to future, from material into spiritual, from heart to heart.

What song does your heart sing in this moment?

Image adapted from Marco Mons

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