Waxing Trine Moon in Taurus: Finding Comfort

posted in: Taurus, Waxing Trine | 0

Just after Noon (EST) we reach the trine between Sun at Moon as the Moon steps into Taurus. This trine is a moment of insight tucked inside the First Quarter phase. As we sort out the challenge of the square, we’re offered a bit of help.

I love Taurus Moons. For me, they are grounded and calm, a reminder I don’t need to be on alert all the time. A call to relax, enjoy, and find peace. There’s a steadiness here that feels good.

Now, though, Uranus is traveling through Taurus. This changes things. (Change is what Uranus does!) Mercury, still so close to the Sun, opposes Uranus, bringing our attention to this presence.

The Moon and Uranus also square Saturn and Jupiter. Sun and Mercury square Chiron. Welcome to patterns we’ll see more of in 2021.

So today, as we long for comfort, we’re asked to find it. Not receive it as given, as happens with a Taurus Moon, but look, find, create, sustain comfort for ourselves and those we care about.

This may be especially true if yesterday’s Mars–Pluto square rocked you. If life feels too chaotic, remember that square was the last in this year’s series. When things settle, you can look back and see what you learned.

For today, find the comfort.

Comfort is there. Today’s Moon is a gentle reminder of this. And in challenging times, we need to seek it out, grab onto it, and hug it close.

Image adapted from Andriyko Podilnyk

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