First Quarter Moon in Aries: Game Changer

posted in: Aries, First Quarter Moon | 0

What a day this is!

Before dawn (EST) we reach the Solstice, that turning of the year when the Sun stops, dancing in place for three days.

For us north of the equator, this is the longest night, the low point of light before the Sun begins once again to climb higher and stay longer.

It’s intriguing this happens with the Sun @ 0 Capricorn. The Saturn-ruled Earth sign has seemed very dark this year and yet the Sun’s entry marks the returning of the light.

In early afternoon, the precise moment of the Great Conjunction occurs. Note how the Sun is still, stationary, waiting to see this event along with us.

So much has been said about this greater-that-usual Great Conjunction. How we’re beginning a new 200-year cycle of Air. How Saturn and Jupiter are so close in the sky, they may appear like a binary star. How good it’s feeling for these two to leave Capricorn behind.

All this happens with a Pisces Moon, dreamy and connected. Then the Moon moves into Aries at 5:32 pm EST and we feel a surge of energy. Something’s been kickstarted.

About an hour later, we reach the First Quarter square. This is the moment in the waxing cycle when we commit to action. Sun @ 0 Cap. Moon @ 0 Aries. The irresistible force meets the immovable object. Something’s gotta give.

Over the next few days, the discomfort and the excitement of big change will push us to act. The world is shifting. Today is a game changer. How are we going to change up our game to meet the challenge?

Image adapted from Lewis Zhao

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