Waxing Trine Moon in Cancer: Portals

posted in: Cancer, Waxing Trine | 0

Tonight is the Waxing Trine Moon and we’re already in its oceanic, creative, confusion.

The Moon in sensitive, caring Cancer already reached her trine with Jupiter. She’s within orb of the Sun and Neptune–as if all the Piscean influence wasn’t enough.

Our experiences might include tidal waves of emotion, a disconnect with clock time, creative impulses and ideas coming out of nowhere, and a dislocation of time and place to the point of not being sure if you’re awake or dreaming.

For some, this triggers anxiety. It’s a normal response to this much Neptune/ Pisces. The best remedies are things that keep us grounded: movement, physical tasks, and engaging our physical senses.

For some, this is a welcome alternative to so-called reality. Also normal.

Yet riding the Piscean waves as a means of escape is not optimal.

The Sun nears their conjunction with Neptune, which will intensify everything while making harder to grasp. We’re not in control here.

Sun–Neptune–Jupiter and the Moon form a Kite with the Nodes of the Moon. The South Node in Scorpio trines the luminaries, while the Taurus North Node forms the apex of the kite with sextiles.

What’s unfolding will affect our futures. Already is affecting our futures. Given the nature of Pisces, we can consider whether the past will be/ already is affected as well.

The next stop is Pluto.

The Moon in Cancer opposes Pluto tomorrow morning. The Sun sextiles Pluto March 18. Jupiter reaches his sextile on May 3.

We are in a time of portals opening everywhere. Some flash open for a second. Some open long enough for us to decide whether to go through or not. Some always open but now we see where they are.

It might seem impossible, but an important task is to stay conscious. Stay oriented to time and place (wherever those times and places might be).

The connection to the Nodes and Pluto signals the cosmos is not playing games. The places we take this energy are pathways to deep change and a future already unfolding.

Choose wisely.

Image adapted from Zoltan Tasi

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