Gibbous Moon in Leo: Express Yourself!

posted in: Gibbous Moon, Leo | 0

We’re in the Gibbous Moon phase with the Moon in Leo and we’re on fire!

Lots of songs have this lyric, and I’m going back to Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band who almost won the R&B Grammy in 1970 for their version.

We’ve got an early Leo Moon holding down her own section of the chart, opposite Venus and Mars in Aquarius. What good are all the plans, principles, and beautiful visions, this Moon says, if we can’t get it out there?

The Moon’s next aspects are a trine to Chiron and then a square to Uranus. We heal when we take chances, get vulnerable, and share our creative vision. When we do, we change ourselves and help change the world.

This is the final challenge before we reach Friday’s intense Full Moon.

Can we channel the visionary, engulfing, inspiring, terrifying, cocooning Piscean starry mists into something that we own? That embodies our unique vision? That we can celebrate?

Well, yes, yes we can.

“What ever you do, do it good.” –Charlie Wright

Image adapted from Nihal Demirci Erenay

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