Waxing Trine Moon in Aries: The Cut

posted in: Aries, Waning Trine | 0

This afternoon, we reached the Sun–Moon trine within the First Quarter phase that offers insight. With the Moon conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, and therefore, the Sun trining Chiron as well, the message is sharp, clear, unavoidable:

Something needs to be cut out, excised, cut away. We most likely know what it is. After all, we’ve been exploring the depths of our psyches and the shady sides of key issues for weeks now.

We’ve been putting off a necessary action. Maybe thinking it would hurt too much, or be too risky.

The Sagittarian Sun is reassuring, optimistic. How bad can it be? It will be over soon!

The Aries Moon says, just do it.

Venus newly in Scorpio approaches her opposition with Uranus. Even these fixed signs know that change is essential.

Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. Looking at the big picture, this thing is small, a necessary step on the way to larger goals.

What must be let go? The thing you keep tripping over, even though it’s small. Now is the time to cut it out, let is go, forget about it, burn it from memory.

Tomorrow you won’t even notice it’s gone.

Image adapted from Zoran Borojevic

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