Gibbous Moon in Aries: Need

posted in: Aries, Gibbous Moon | 0

The Gibbous threshold presents a final challenge. If we think we’re ready for the Full Moon, the prize easily within reach, this phase can trip us up, set a trap, ask the trick question.

The question is: What do you need?

This Aries Moon sits with Mars and Eris. Our desires are intense and focused. Yet Eris throws up stark evidence of the needs of others, of the Earth.

Can we temper what we want by acknowledging those needs?

Moon/ Mars/ Eris squares the Capricorn group with aspects tightest to Pluto. We’re called to look beneath the surface of things and act responsibly. It’s good to know what we want and wanting alone does not justify taking it.

So many are in want of food, housing, medical care, basic necessities. So many live under systems that oppress them, devalue them, traumatize them.

How do our desires compare to those needs?

Moon/ Mars/ Eris trines the South Node and sextiles the North, a heads up that this question is relevant to the coming Full Moon eclipse and to what unfolds after.

So before we sail full speed ahead toward the Full Moon, fueled by Aries and Sagittarian fire, we’re brought up short. The question is put to us:

What do you need?

Consider the widest possible context before you answer.

Image adapted from Alexis Fauvet

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