First Quarter Moon in Pisces: Sea Change

What a day this has been. A shift in energy that began this morning when Venus left her daytime home in Libra to enter Scorpio. Following her, we’re pulled into Scorpio’s shadows on a quest for the goddesses of deep places, of stone, of rock, of bones.

Midafternoon, the Sun entered Sagittarius. Depending on your chart, it might have felt like someone turned on the lights, lit a bonfire, warmed you up, and gave you the keys to the fast car.

Now we’re entering the First Quarter Moon, the Sun–Moon square that brings challenge and a call to action.

And we find the Moon @ 0 Pisces, the doorway to dreamworlds.

So our sunny Sagittarian journey has taken a side road, a road less traveled. We’re in the cave, under water, looking for fire.

There is an old Irish tale of a fae king who dwells beneath the waves. He is a shining figure, glowing with a flame that illuminates the waters around him. Other fae beings dive deep to reach his throne, then swim in close to touch his fire.

Once lit, they shoot upwards, back into the day world, filled with inspiration, a gift of fire in water.

We too can “… suffer a sea-change, Into something rich and strange…” if we are willing to dive.

Mercury in Scorpio applies to trine Neptune in Pisces. Our dreams tonight and throughout this phase will be intense and meaningful.

This waxing cycle, we are called to explore mysteries and let the old, the past, the outworn dissolve away. This is how our Sagittarius season begins this year.

What in you wants to dissolve to be reimagined?

Image adapted from Matt Holmes

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