Waxing Sextile Moon in Leo: Passionate Commitment

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This waxing cycle’s got depth. Maybe not be what we prefer for lazy summer days, but it’s here. The Saturn–Uranus square sets a tone, as the Moon amplifies and brings it home.

Today is the waxing sextile, an energized flow of information. The Moon in late Leo wants creative passion. The Sun in late Gemini wants to resolve dichotomies with clever ideas. The connect point is Leo’s need for a mode of expression and Gemini’s need for focus.

We have something to say + We want our message to count.

How? The answer lies in two yods, both involving the Moon.

A yod is a tall triangle in which two planets in sextile form the base. The apex planet, the crux of the issue, connects to the base via quincunxes. This is an awkward pattern. It takes work to sort it out. We’ve got to engage to get anywhere.

The Sun and Moon form a yod with Pluto at the apex. Ouch. Time to face the tough stuff. Sometimes it’s easier to look away. But if we want our Leo–Gemini connection to make a difference, Pluto needs to be in the mix. The Shadow stuff. The painful stuff. The real stuff.

The second yod has Pluto and Neptune at the base with quincunxes pointing to the Moon. We’re reminded it’s not just about us. We truly are connected to other people, to all beings, to the Earth. Leo needs to speak with an inclusive voice from a connected place.

The remedy for a yod’s challenges lies in the sign opposite the apex. For Moon–Sun–Pluto, this is Cancerian territory. Caring for others and also caring for ourselves. Truly, deeply, caring. Tending.

The remedy for Pluto–Neptune–Moon is in Aquarius. Clarity of vision and commitment.

So here we are. The stakes are high. We commit to what is most vital. We pursue our vision with caring, in every sense of the word. Empathy. Practical aid. Justice. We prepare for a long road.

Passionate commitment.

Image adapted from Ina Garbé

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