First Quarter Moon in Virgo: Turning Toward Harvest

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Late tonight (tomorrow in time zones east of me), we reach the First Quarter square. It’s action time and high summer! And again we see somber notes in the chart.

Sun and Moon are at the end of Gemini and Virgo. Soon the Sun will reach its Solstice point.

This a summery time (in the northern hemisphere) and yet reaching the equal day/ equal night point means light will now decrease. We’re heading toward harvest and autumn.

This theme is shared by the Moon in late Virgo. The grain goddess welcomes the growing stalks that will all too soon be cut down to feed the people. It’s a cycle. One we know well. Yet the waning side of things is one we’re often uncomfortable with.

Especially during a waxing Moon! What are we meant to make of this?

The Moon is once again our guide.

This Moon is square the Sun and also trine Pluto: Chthonic forces are in play. We’re invited to dive beneath the top layers of symbolism and our current experiences to connect to longer, slower cycles.

This Moon also sits at the apex of a Thor’s Hammer pattern, connected to (can you guess?) the Saturn–Uranus square. This is an intense, dynamic pattern that gives strength but not always patience or nuance. This could unsettle a Virgo Moon who might be prone to anxiety.

So we look deeper at Virgo. Who understands earthly cycles better? Here we see patterns in Nature that Capricorn might ignore and Taurus, maybe, take for granted. Here in mutable Earth we notice the changes, small though they be, and understand their significance.

Where we are in our personal lives is tied into the wider cycles unfolding in the world, as well as much deeper Plutonian cycles. This is not meant to immobilize us. It’s meant to say, it’s not just you. Yes, your actions are vital. Please participate. But the world is not on your shoulders. Much bigger shifts are happening.

That knowledge can be restful if we allow it to be. We can say, look, I’ll do my best. It’s all I can do.

It’s enough.

Image adapted from Klara Kulikova

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