Waxing Trine Moon in Libra: High Summer

posted in: Libra, Waxing Trine | 0

Around dawn (EDT) we’ll feel a flow of beautiful intense ideas as the Sun in the final degree of Gemini trines the Moon at the very end of Libra.

It’s the day when Jupiter officially turns retrograde. It’s the longest day and the shortest night. We’re in-between, liminal, poised at the moment the tide shifts, when all is still.

What comes into your mind? Some lines of poetry. A fragment of an ancient chant. A digital flow of the latest data. Something is wafting through the air waiting to be caught and remembered.

Venus moves to trine Neptune. May we be graced with magical longings.

Saturn moves back to trine the North Node of the Moon. May our obsessions be principled ones, leading us to work diligently on behalf of our communities.

The Moon is leaving a T-square in which Venus will soon oppose Pluto: May the wisest of our traditions transform us as we seek a middle way into the future.

Image adapted from Niklas Veenhuis

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