Crescent Moon in Leo: Burning Bright

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At dawn tomorrow we enter the Crescent phase, the half-square between the Sun and Moon that calls us to action.

The Moon is lit, bright enough to carry messages from planet to planet and from us to the skies.

The chaotic eclipse energy may have settled some, but don’t think we’re in the clear.

This Leo Moon puts us front and center for the big transit of 2021: The second exact square between Saturn and Uranus is exact today.

The Moon opposes Saturn as both are squared by Uranus. If you’ve been sitting on the fence, not quite committing to your beliefs in this time of change, wake up. This Leo Moon wants to know where we stand.

This passionate, fiery Moon call us to creative action. What do we want to do, say, align with, step away from? Now’s the time.

It’s not about “do or die.” This is, who are you? What are you doing with your one precious life?

The Sun squares Neptune, amplifying the creative energy and connecting us with vision. Venus trines Uranus, adding another creative signature to the day. Mars in Leo wants in–it’s time for action, not just words.

One of my earliest allies in my shamanic work is a massive Siberian tiger. He once told me, don’t light one candle. Light every candle in the house, every candle you own, every candle you can find.

This is a Crescent Moon for lighting all the candles. Then we step into the arena.

Image adapted from Antonín Daněk

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