Waxing Sextile Moon in Cancer: Bring It Home

posted in: Cancer, Waxing Sextile | 0

This Sun–Moon sextile arrives within each Crescent phase to illuminate something we need to see. Overnight tonight, following on from the Crescent theme of looking for and creating strong, healthy containers, this sextile emphasizes that deep, transformative change begins when each one of us is doing our own work.

The Sun at 26 Taurus sextiles the Moon at 26 Cancer, both places that emphasize the strength of home. Both are closely connected to Pluto at 26 Capricorn, who opposes the Moon while trining the Sun.

Here we see that home is not a place to avoid change. Instead, home is the very place we engage in the deepest processes of growth and renewal. This is where we meet our biggest challenges and also holds the potential for our greatest supports.

Eris, the chaos goddess, is at 24 Aries, squaring the Moon and Pluto. The changes we wish to see in the world rest on each of us being willing to grapple with personal transformation. It’s all connected.

Jupiter in Pisces makes it easier for us to feel the connection between our individual selves and the wider world. Jupiter reminds us the flow is both ways: The world needs us to change even as the world also supports us as we dive into tough personal work.

Image adapted from Sergei Solo

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