Waxing Sextile Moon in Aries: Skydive

posted in: Aries, Waxing Sextile | 0

Today’s waxing sextile, within the Crescent phase, alerts us that change in on the way. Are we on board? Have we got our wings?

The Moon in very late Aries sextiles the Sun in very late Aquarius. This is the first sign of change.

The Sun enters Pisces early on February 18, taking Aquarian high thought into a wider, more diffuse realm.

The Moon is about to enter Taurus, where she loves to be, but let’s not expect peace and quiet. Uranus is right there, ready to shake things up some more. Even now, the Moon is close enough to be considered conjunct the revolutionary trickster.

But that’s not all. Tomorrow, the first Saturn–Uranus square is exact. The Moon will be in the room where it happens, closely conjunct Uranus. Whatever that square brings, the Moon will make sure we notice.

We’re about to dive.

What did the Aries Moon bring up for you? What action have you, or can you, commit to? How do we transform our values into real world effects?

This is a day for active listening. Things are about to get interesting (again.)

A note on the image: Cranes and herons are sacred in many traditions for their magic and wisdom. Adept in all three realms–earth, air, and water–they dive from one to the other with fluid grace.

Connect to the agile, discerning wisdom of these birds. They won’t steer you wrong.

Image adapted from Karo Kujanpaa

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