Crescent Moon in Aries: New Directions

posted in: Aries, Crescent Moon | 0

We enter the Crescent Moon phase with an Aries Moon ready to move. There are so many ideas floating around and the Aries Moon wants to go somewhere with them. It’s time to try some things and see what works.

Aquarius is a deep thinker, a long term planner, and a visionary. And this sign of fixed Air can struggle to get beyond the beautiful idea. This Aries Moon can help.

The Sun–Moon semisquare defines this phase. A series of sextiles offers new territory to explore.

Already past the first sextile with Saturn, the Moon is now sextile Mercury retrograde. Mercury is just about to emerge out from under the Sun’s beams, ready to communicate what they learned during the cazimi. This energized connection with the Aries Moon might push Mercury to open up.

Soon after, the Moon will sextile Jupiter and Venus. In fact, the Moon is close enough to be considered sextile all three, creating vital connections that fertilize rich, creative growth. These are beneficent planets, ready to bring good things to life.

Aries is the new birth, the new thing emerging, unique and strong. We might expect impulsive, even risky action––except Mars, ruler of Aries, is moving through slow and steady Taurus.

This is the energy of new plants emerging in spring, bright, brave, but still tender, rather than the explosive, firecracker quality Aries sometimes shows.

This is a time for actively exploring how to reach our goals. What are the real possibilities here? What feels alive, full of fire? What new directions are calling?

This is where the Aries Moon wants to take us.

Image adapted from Wolfgang Hasselmann

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