First Quarter Moon in Gemini: A Fine Mist

The Sun, newly in Pisces, squares the Moon who’s just landed in Gemini. This opens the First Quarter phase, calling us to action.

Yet Pisces diffuses and Gemini disperses. So where are we? It feels good, but details are fuzzy. What’s going on, exactly?

This is a day of squares layered one on top of the other. One colors this calendar year. Another lasts only a few days. The third is even more ephemeral. No wonder there’s a feeling of uncertainty.

Two days ago, the first Saturn–Uranus square came exact. This is The Big One setting a tone and a challenge for all of 2021. Vested authority vs. street revolutionaries. Traditional ideas vs. innovative action. Following the standard plan vs. going with your gut. Stasis vs. change.

We see evidence all around of these two poles at work. We likely know which side we lean toward most of the time. Notice, though, neither side has a fixed ideology. Their differences are based in the how and the why of action (or inaction), not so much the what.

Today is the exact Mars–Venus square, these two personal planets in the same signs as the Big Two: Mars in Uranus squares Venus in Aquarius.

Here our personal values may be challenged by personal action. Aquarius is high-minded and principled. Taurus is steady, loyal, and also stubborn, preferring comfort to risk.

These two might feel like a contest between “What I know I should do” and “What seems reasonable right now.” Or something like “Here’s where I should be” vs. “This is where I am.”

A Venus–Mars square can also play out in relationships, leading to challenge or to a newly energized connection.

All of this links in to the First Quarter square. Here we see myriad possibilities. They’re all interesting. We want to collect all the things and arrange them. It’s like looking through a kaleidoscope: The images change endlessly and can be fascinating.

This is mutable Air and Water. When mixed, we get fog. We can also get rainbows.

As we move into the mystical magic of the Sun in Pisces, perhaps we can acknowledge the depth of the problems we face while still seeing that many possibilities are open and how they are fascinating.

Image adapted from Andrea Ferrario

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