Waxing Sextile Moon in Aquarius: The Long View

posted in: Aquarius, Waxing Sextile | 0

Before dawn on Monday, the Sun and Moon reach their waxing sextile at 06° 03’ of Sag and Aquarius, an energized communication focused on our Crescent Moon beginnings.

As we entered the Crescent phase, the Moon conjunct Pluto initiated deep conversations. Now the Moon has entered Aquarius, offering a long view.

Sagittarius, where we find the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, can get very focused on the adventure at hand. This can look like pouring over maps and guidebooks, diving into deep conversations late at night, or getting lost in ancient libraries. We’re entranced by new knowledge.

This is great for focused learning and less effective at developing an overview of the whole situation. In Aquarius, fixed Air, the Moon rises above enticing details and tantalizing hints to scope out the big picture.

Aquarius orients to the future, wanting to understand core principles and goals, and basing long term plans on a solid foundation of commitments. As the dust of 2022’s eclipses continues to settle, what do we know so far? Which ideas and goals are emerging from the dark of the New Moon into the light?

If this aspect happens overnight in your time zone, as it will in mine, we might wake up with new insights. We may see a goal unfolding over time and understand what steps to take. Perhaps we gain clarity about something blocking us, or where resistance to change comes in.

In time zones where the sextile is exact in the daytime, we might gain insights as we work, talk with colleagues and friends, or review our unfolding plans.

Whenever it happens, this sextile offers perspective. The view might be quirky, though: The Moon, Mercury, and Mars remain out of bounds, while Venus (15° 09’ Sag) and Mercury (16° 59’ Sag) apply to oppose Mars (19° 51’ Gemini).

Expect out-of-the-box thoughts, feelings, and actions. Take note of insights that show up.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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