Crescent Moon in Capricorn: Foundational

posted in: Capricorn, Crescent Moon | 0

Overnight, we leave the New Moon phase and step into the Crescent phase. The Moon shows herself in the night sky again. We begin our journey.

The heady call to adventure of the New Moon is still strong: The Sun, Venus, and Mercury ride through Sagittarius. Jupiter, patron of the New Moon, moves forward through the final degrees of Pisces.

The eccentric vibe continues: The Moon, Mercury, and Mars are out of bounds. The choices we make, the paths we choose, the solutions we implement will be unique and unexpected. We’re following our own star.

At the same time, the mood is somber.

The Moon is in Capricorn, applying to conjunct Pluto. We’re drawn into the depths.

The Moon and Pluto sextile Jupiter and Neptune while trining Ceres. Cere and Neptune–Jupiter oppose each other. This pattern will grow stronger until we reach the Full Moon.

I am intrigued whenever Ceres (Demeter) aspects Pluto (Hades). We enter the underworld, tasked with exploring what lies beneath. There is wisdom and mystery to be uncovered and claimed.

If we see this Moon as Persephone, she along with Demeter, Hades, Zeus and Poseidon are all talking, though not all in agreement. The old gods might feel present to us. They have things to share.

Sagittarius rules learning and wisdom. Capricorn rules building, the creation of structures. The Crescent phase is a time for finding our way, plotting our course.

What are our foundational beliefs? Is our knowledge base robust? Diverse? Integrated? Nuanced? Are the old stories we were told true? Authentic for us? What do we know, and believe, today that is different from what we were taught as children?

At this Crescent Moon in Capricorn, we examine what we know, what we feel, what we believe. We might decide some restructuring is called for.

This isn’t about being certain–we know that’s neither possible nor desirable. Instead, we’re reconnecting with our core knowing. Where we find solid foundations, we affirm them. Where we’re on shaky ground, we dive in, learn more, and shore up the structures that support us.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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