Waxing Sextile Moon in Aquarius: Messages

posted in: Aquarius, Waxing Sextile | 0

One of the Moon’s key roles is being the messenger. The swiftest of bodies in the sky above us, the Moon connects–moves–connects–moves around the zodiac.

Overnight, Mars reached an exact square to Jupiter, which could have a “clash of titans” feel to it. If you wake with memories of dramatic dreams, this could be why. Think about a street fighter from the shadowy side of town and a senator standing on his principles face to face, each determined to get their way.

Now in the middle of Aquarius, this Moon has been busy. They’ve already spoken with Chiron (sextile), Saturn (conjunction), and Uranus (square). The Saturn–Uranus square is closing in again, ready for one more exact square before the end of the year.

At the sextile, the Moon and Sun are comparing notes, day and night in conversation.

The Moon’s next aspect will be a sextile to Mercury, where we’ll have a chance to create something beautiful. Mercury sextiles Jupiter and squares Neptune, so we’re in realms of poetry and magic.

Messages swirl around. Some fierce. Some quiet. Some seemingly clear. Some as vague as a half-remembered dream.

Listen to them all. Gather them up to save and pour over. Be wary of assuming you know which are true. It might be too soon to tell.

Image adapted from Fabio Bracht

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