First Quarter Moon in Pisces: Fog Lifting

We open the First Quarter square with the Moon conjunct Neptune, squaring the Sun and Mercury.

The multiplicity of images and messages from the Crescent phase are dissolving, slipping through our fingers.

Venus and Pluto are conjunct, reaching their first exact conjunction on Dec 11.

We stand at the entrance of a dark cave. Our feet shuffle, knocking a few pebbles inside. The echoes of their fall tell us this space is wide and deep.

Saturn leaves a sextile with Chiron and inches toward the square with Uranus. There are limits to healing, which is not always bad. We can only process so much at one time, especially when the world is so uncertain.

Our first task is to get comfortable with ambiguity. We don’t know, can’t know everything we want to. “Oh, well,” say the stoics, and right now, so say we all.

Then we begin to see glimmers in the mist. This First Quarter brings shifts.

Early on Dec 13, Mars leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius. One corner of the sky is lighter. We take in a deep breath. Mars has less power in Sag, but a more buoyant heart.

If it feels like too many of those slings and arrows of outrageous fortune have been aimed at you lately, it’s time to exhale.

Later that day, the Waxing Trine arrives with an Aries Moon ready to break new ground and DO something. This Moon will not sit around.

That night, Mercury enters Capricorn. Hey! There’s ground underfoot. At least something in this foggy time feels solid. We can makes lists, get tasks organized, and feel a little more on top of things (instead of buried underneath them).

All this in the days ahead. Notice where your life starts to feel lighter, more possible, more clear. Everything is not magically solved, but we do find some solid ground. Let’s take some steps.

Image adapted from Patrick Hendry

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