Crescent Moon in Aquarius: Clouds of Glory

posted in: Aquarius, Crescent Moon | 0

Tomorrow morning we enter the Crescent Moon phase. The Moon becomes more visible in the sky and life picks up its normal pace.

But it might not feel quite normal.

A series of interconnectioning conversations keeps us in the mysterious, chaotic field of the eclipse. Look around this chart for what’s happening at 20–25 degrees, the third decans.

Mars squares Jupiter and trines Neptune. Mercury sextiles Jupiter, squares Neptune, and trines Eris. Venus and Pluto, nearly conjunct, sextile Mars, sextile Neptune, and square Eris.

These are planets of transformation and vision, action and values, perceptions, relationships, and wisdom. It’s as if the Moon’s light illuminates an eclipse landscape that no longer looks or feels quite the same.

The Moon at 0 Aquarius, moving to conjunct Saturn, acts as scribe, recording glimpses of what is emerging.

The Moon and Venus are both out of bounds, beyond the reach of the Sun. Our emotions, our bodies, and our relationships take on new forms, extending beyond what we’ve known.

This lunar cycle and month hold changes. Venus is about to turn retrograde. Mars and Mercury will change signs. The Sun will also change, at the Solstice, marking another turning of the year. We’ll reach the final exact Saturn–Uranus square. Jupiter will enter Pisces.

This is a time for open perception, which I suggested for the eclipse itself. Sometimes called soft focus, or peripheral vision, or sentient perception, there are two aspects.

One is opening to a wider range of perception rather than focusing tightly on one thing (usually what’s right in front of us).

The other is consciously bringing in all modes of perception. We note sights, sounds, scents, touch. We include the nonverbal. We are open to the intuitive.

This Crescent phase is an excellent time to open our senses. Take in the clouds of glory surrounding us.

Image adapted from Nathan Anderson

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