Waning Trine Moon in Leo: Leadership

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The Waning Trine within the Disseminating phase offers insight. In the midst of a contentious time, we step back and reassess our priorities and approach.

The Moon, now in late Leo, forms a Grand Trine in Fire with the Sun and the asteroid Eris.

Eris is a chaos goddess. Not invited to an important wedding, she created discord by rolling a golden apple into the party, inscribed “to the fairest.” Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera fought over which of them was meant, an argument that eventually led to the Trojan War.

Today, Eris is associated with the global crises threatening our world. This connection with the Sun and Moon could fuel the intense need to speak out we felt at the opening of the Disseminating phase. A Grand Trine in Fire can definitely fan the flames.

Yet this is a waning Moon, no longer out of bounds, and opposite Saturn. This Moon has great courage and also, potentially, insight.

We can burn to fight injustice and realize we don’t want to flame out. We can consider the consequences of rash action. We can rein in our impulses and plan for the long term.

There’s also a yod, a triangle with 150º aspects along each side and a sextile across the bottom. This pattern looks for a solution.

Mars and Chiron, sextiling each other, both quincunx the South Node. We want to act (Mars) to heal (Chiron) old patterns (the South Node).

Paradoxically, the answer is to look toward the future. The answer to a yod lies opposite the apex, which in this case is where we find Uranus and the North Node of the future. Moving steadily and authentically into the future may just be the best way to lay ghosts of the past to rest.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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