Disseminating Moon in Leo: Dramatic

posted in: Disseminating Moon, Leo | 2

Overnight, we leave the Full Moon to enter the Disseminating phase. We begin integrating what the Full Moon showed us by sharing it in some way.

Recent Disseminating Moons have been quiet, even reserved. This one is likely to be loud.

The Moon in early Leo (05º12’) feels dramatic. Austin Coppock calls this decan “The Spotlight,” a place of fierce competition for the top spot.

The Moon applies to square the Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, a fixed-sign T-square that increases our drive to speak because it feels fated. What we have to say is important. It means something.

Meanwhile, the Sun leaves an opposition to Mars to square Neptune. Neither Mars retrograde nor Neptune support clear thinking. They are more likely to jump to conclusions based on misleading information, or be persuaded by emotional arguments to sign on to conspiracies.

The Sun–Neptune square creates a Thor’s Hammer (a triangle with two 135º aspects on each side and a square across the bottom) with the Moon at the top. This aspect is known to be volatile. It signals willfulness that can become rebellious.

This Leo Moon is under stress. What can we do to make the best of a tricky situation?

It would be easy to say, just don’t talk. Unfortunately this is not helpful. The Leo Moon will feel internal pressure. We might get the “if I don’t say something, I’ll explode” feeling.

We might look to Mercury and Venus in Capricorn for level headedness. Unfortunately, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Moon are all still out of bounds, so this might not help.

We can recognize these next few days are difficult, but we won’t have to stay quiet forever. Right now, there’s an atmosphere fostering dramatic speech, digging in of heels, and contentious outcomes. It won’t last.

The Leo Moon does want to express itself. Choose ways that are creative, playful, and passionate without competition. Splash paint on paper. Write dramatic, angry letters and do not send them. Dance wildly. Sing loudly.

Be dramatic without conflict. You’ll enjoy this Leo Moon a lot more.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

2 Responses

  1. Cyn

    Funny, just last night I said those exact words, “If I don’t tell someone, I will explode,” before conveying a non threatening secret to a friend. But it’s fun drama, not the contentious type.

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