Waning Sextile Moon in Taurus: Home Again

posted in: Taurus, Waning Sextile | 0

The Moon slips into Taurus and sextiles the Sun in Cancer.

A warm hug and a cookie. Opening the door to your house after an absence and realizing how much it feels like home. Getting home after a tough day and feeling your whole body relax.

The Sun in Cancer is all about home and family, the safe and cozy kinds. This Sun wants everyone in the world to have a home and family too. This Sun gets emotional about these things but doesn’t want anyone to notice.

The Moon, exalted in Taurus, looks for stability and comfort. This Moon is dedicated and loyal, generally willing to put the time in to nurture and help things grow, except when they’re seduced by warm bread and fragrant chai. Then a bit of lazy shows up.

Together, these two are in sync, sharing a cozy, homey, vibe.

Who in your circle does for everyone else without asking for anything in return? Find them today and give them hugs. Let them know you notice. You care.

Who in your circle is struggling? Do something today to lift them up. Don’t ask for anything in return.

Where do you find yourself today? What about that place reminds you of home? Feels like a home away from home? Might be your home in another life?

It’s that kind of day.

Image adapted from the Jilbert Ebrahimi

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