Balsamic Moon in Taurus: Real Life

posted in: Balsamic Moon, Taurus | 0

This evening we shift into the Balsamic phase with the Moon in late Taurus conjunct Uranus. The time of winnowing, choosing, and letting go.

Uranus in Taurus remains a tough combination to wrap our minds around.

What does it mean for the sign of stability and comfort to get a prolonged shakeup?

Climate change, cryptocurrency, and new ways of thinking about food, yes. But in our personal lives, what does it look like?

The question feels more acute when the Sun is in Cancer. Taurus and Cancer are fine with flow, slow change, natural growth and decline. Abrupt shocks? Not so much.

Yet we live in shocking times.

In our personal lives, Uranus pushes for authenticity. In this Balsmic phase, we ask, are we living our real life?

• Am I living in alignment with my core principles?
• Are things I do that are not clear, not healthy, not of value to me?
• What in my life gets in the way of me reaching my goals?

To be clear: Uranus (unlike Taurus and Cancer) doesn’t care too much about stability and security. Uranus likes risk if it leads to more clarity.

So this isn’t about optimizing alignment with current power structures. Instead, ask whether you are being the real you, the human are in your heart of hearts, the one you wish you could be if only.

After the ups and downs of this lunar cycle, we let go of whatever is out of alignment with the truest, clearest, strongest self we can be.

What’s getting in the way of your real life?

Image adapted from Dazzle Jam

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