Waning Sextile Moon in Gemini: Flexibility

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Before dawn tomorrow, the Gemini Moon will sextile the Sun in Leo. This moment, inside the Last Quarter phase, offers insight.

This Gemini Moon, conjunct the North Node, brings lots of ideas. Look for an ‘aha’ or three tomorrow.

All the big stuff this year is happening in the fixed signs: Aquarius (where Saturn is), Taurus (Uranus) and now Leo (Sun and Mercury). The fixed signs are powerful, steadfast, and creative but not (as the name suggests) flexible. There’s a tendency to take a stand and then not move. At all. Even a little.

Fixed positions can have a lot of integrity but are not the best negotiators or diplomats. So, this Gemini Moon has a lot to offer us as we navigate some really thorny issues.

Here’s the playlist: Sun conjunct Mercury sextile the Moon, trine Chiron, opposite Saturn, and square Uranus. (Yes, this is the Saturn–Uranus square again.) The Moon is conjunct the North Node, square Venus, sextile Chiron, and trine Saturn. Venus trines Uranus.

This level of complexity needs Gemini energy just to see it all.

The planets in fixed signs (Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Taurus) have staked out their territory and seem unwilling to budge. The Moon and Venus (mutable) are flexible. Chiron (cardinal) wants something to happen.

astrological chart for this post

The Moon and Venus offer fresh, creative insights. Given the intransigence of the problems we face, we desperately need a new perspective. But depending on how “fixed” we are, we might resist any kind of change.

It’s easy to link this pattern to world problems. It can also apply to our lives. Where are you “fixed”? What ideas, beliefs, positions, practices, emotions do you refuse–or perhaps feel you cannot–change?

Tomorrow, listen for new ideas. They might come out of left field. They might seem crazy and impractical. And when something tickles your ear or catches your eye, pay attention. The seeds of a creative solution might be right there.

Image adapted from Olli Kilpi

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