Last Quarter Moon in Taurus: Building Strong

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We’re moving into the Last Quarter phase initiated by a square from the Moon to the Sun.

title image with text summary of the essay

Taurus Moon, Leo Sun: These fixed signs make it tougher to listen and adjust. Yet squares call for balance, so let’s take a look.

Taurus and Leo share a creative, growth-oriented vibe. These are both places where we want to foster new life, encourage natural cycles, and enjoy the results.

We’re invited to see the challenge and ask, ok, what can we make of this? Earth (Taurus) + Fire (Leo) = bricks. We can build strong with this energy.

And we’re also back in the territory of the Saturn–Uranus square, strongly activated. Sun opposes Saturn. Moon conjuncts Uranus. This is a T-square of Sun, Saturn, Moon, and Uranus.

How we experience it will be affected by how we link into global issues. We can make bricks for building homes, or cathedrals, or whatever we choose. Uranus could want bricks to throw through windows. Saturn might order bricks to build walls. We feel the instability of the times we live in and the intense choice points we face.

Where do we find balance? This will be different for each of us and involve understanding our needs for order and structure, and independence and creative freedom. How do we embrace all sides of this challenge and find a way forward?

astrology chart for this essay

Notice Mercury, who sits with the Sun, totally part of the T-square. Tomorrow, Mercury will reach cazimi, the exact conjunction with our star. Mercury gathers in perceptions and stores information.

At the cazimi, Mercury will sit on the throne, fully illuminated by the Sun’s brilliance. We won’t be able to unpack the full message until Mercury becomes visible again, but we could feel a flash tomorrow with the cazimi. Happening in Leo, that flash might land in the form of creative inspiration.

Notice how this T-square affects you. Understand that anything from intense pressure to conform, to a drive toward total freedom might come up. What’s the best orientation for you? Tomorrow’s cazimi might offer a brilliant clue.

Image adapted from Olli Kilpi

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