Waning Sextile Moon in Capricorn: Bringing it Home

Overnight, we’ll get an update on how our Sagittarian journey is going, when the Moon sextiles the Sun and Jupiter in misty Pisces.

This Moon is in Capricorn, though, so the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are about to receive a reality check. Or maybe a better way to think of this is as a reality question.

We are all living human lives in the manifest world. As we explore new horizons, it’s good to get reminders when the gutters are leaking, there’s no milk in the fridge, and the limb of a very tall tree is about to fall on the house.

Or maybe the Capricorn Moon will simply ask how the wonderful dreams the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are spinning actually become real.

We know the answer won’t involve doing more of the same.

This Moon trines Uranus, who is also sextiling the Sun and Jupiter.

We have dreams we want to be real. For a new world. A new life. A new way of treating each other. That means things must change.

Again it comes back to the Capricorn Moon, who says, ok, give me specifics.

What’s my next step?

Image adapted from Dim Gunger

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