Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: The Road

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The Last Quarter Moon is arriving, so, time to take action on our New Moon goals, the skills we learned during the waxing phase, and the Full Moon’s illumination.

Today’s Sag Moon feels almost jaunty after the intensity of the Scorpio transit. (Was that really just two and a half days?)

The Moon is ruled by Jupiter, strong in Pisces not far from the Sun. In fact, since the luminaries get plenty of orb, the Sun is already conjunct Jupiter. The Moon squares both.

Yes, squares are challenges but in mutable signs with Jupiter involved the challenge is more like a gentle shove out the door.

Bilbo said it best: “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

A perfect description of what can happen when a Sag Moon journeys under the influence of a Sun and Jupiter in Pisces.

So the question for each of us is, what kind of road are we on?

Perhaps it’s a Pisces road: a spiritual quest, a creative exploration, a journey into dreams and visions.

Maybe, with Mars and Venus together following the Venus retrograde, we are still on a relationship journey. Sorting out how to let go of, or strengthen, key relationships in our lives. Exploring what we want and need, and how to be with others.

This Moon is trining Chiron the wounded healer, with Mercury sextiling both. We could be on a healing path. With Mercury’s support, we find the words to describe what hurts. Then, articulate what would feel better.

There are as many options as there are charts. Where are Pisces and Sag in yours? Where are the other key planets?

Most important, what calls to you in your life? What needs action? Not a complete solution, mind you, but where in our lives can we take the next step?

Image adapted from Karsten Würth

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