Balsamic Moon in Capricorn: Night Train

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The sun has set (where I am). It’s full dark with a steady rain falling. There’s a bite in the air. An edge to the damp.

Overnight, the Moon in Capricorn will deliver us into the Balsamic phase, the time when we let go of what is finished. We’re preparing for the New Moon, of course, but sometimes the letting go feels heavy.

Imagine getting on a night train. The platform is dark. It’s raining. You’re wet, along with everyone else waiting to board.

Once you’re settled, do you go for a drink in the club car or stay in your cabin with a book? With the Moon at the end of Capricorn, conjunct Venus, Mars, and Pluto, it’s going to be a long night whatever you choose.

In the club car, people hunch over their drinks. You can tell they’re waiting for someone to listen to their stories. If you’re in the mood, choose wisely. There could be dangerous characters here.

Your cabin seems safer, but what are those odd noises in the corridor? Do you open your door and look, or ring for the porter? I’d ring, I think, but who knows?

You finally doze off, only to find yourself in a phantasmagoria of dreams. The Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are merging in Pisces.

Tonight’s dreams may be visionary and very likely vivid. Choose your bedtime beverage accordingly.

If this journey feels fated, notice that both the Capricorn group and the Pisces group are aspecting the Nodes of the Moon. Trines and sextiles, Earth signs to Water signs.

This night train is going somewhere important, the destination possibly not fully described in the brochure. We’ll find out when we get there.

And look, there in a corner of the club car, at a table littered with coffee cups and sandwich wrappers, a writer scribbles madly in a notebook. Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, the fixed Air sign. There’s a deadline somewhere.

Whatever experiences we have tonight, we’ll likely have the words to talk about it and maybe even get it on paper.

We’ve all got a ticket for this train. I’m calling it the Balsamic Express.

Image adapted from Pavel Danilov

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