Sun Enters Aries: Sparks

posted in: Crescent Moon, Gemini | 0

We’ve done it! We’ve crossed the threshold from end-of-cycle Pisces into new-beginning Aries.

At dawn (in my time zone), the Sun entered Aries. This begins the zodiacal year, initiating a new journey through the signs.

We’re invited to start new things, dive into new understandings of astrological cycles, and jump-start our energy.

This happened within the Crescent phase, the opening of the current waxing cycle leading us to the Full Moon in Libra on March 28.

The Gemini Moon was conjunct the North Node and Mars (ruler of Aries). This trio points us toward future action based in a bright curiosity and buzzy desire to DO something.

In the Crescent phase, we move toward our future goals. So close to the New Moon, we might still feel haunted by the past. This pattern is accentuated this month.

The misty, magical intensity of the Pisces New Moon linked us to all things, past, present, and future. We need not be surprised if some of those clouds of glory still trail after us.

Now, though, new fires are sparking. We are drawn into new networks, new links, new ideas.

Today we dance with the new, bright sparks and carry some home to light our own fires.

Image adapted from Jakub Skafiriak

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