Waxing Sextile Moon in Taurus: Wisdom

posted in: Taurus, Waxing Sextile | 0

Soon we’ll reach the waxing sextile between the Sun and Moon that happens inside the Crescent phase. The connection offers insight. Despite the calm vibe of Taurus, this Moon has things to say. It’s time to listen.

The Moon at 28° has reached the end of this sign of fixed Earth. This final decan is not an easy one. Here, we learn that the best-laid plans and most carefully tended beginnings can fail to bear fruit.

This place also offers hope. As we face difficulties and experience failures, we learn. At least, we have the opportunity to learn. Instead of growing whatever project we thought we were focused on, we find we our growing ourselves. Tending our souls.

The Moon sextiles the Sun and also Venus and Neptune. We’re in the presence of magic and art and things of the spirit. We may feel adrift. We can also take a wider view. We can realize it’s all really alright. Not in an easy way, not in denial of grief and loss, but with the assurance we’re part of something much, much bigger.

And look where the Moon has been: Just past, and still within orb, of a trine with alchemical Pluto. Past, and still within orb, of a square to philosophical Jupiter.

In the face of disaster, we can allow ourselves to be transformed (Pluto). We can find the wisdom (Jupiter). We can rest (Moon in Taurus). Then when the new surge of energy arrives, we get up and dive into life once more.

This sextile can help crystallize messages the Pisces trio has been sending us. The Moon in Taurus helps bring things into form in the world. This is a good time for contemplation, for being out in nature in quiet ways, for working with our bodies at something slow and steady, for making careful records of our thoughts and intuitions.

When the Moon pops into Gemini, the energy will buzz. Mars and the North Node are ready to talk, explore, connect, invite, provoke, divert, and excite.

With this sextile, we slow down enough to listen to voices that are slow, deep, wise, and willing to share.

Image adapted from Donald Giannatti

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