First Quarter Moon in Cancer: Shakeup!

Today another jolt of Aries energy comes along to wake us up. Are we still liking this? Or do we groan, pull the covers over our heads and go back to sleep?

We’re about to enter the First Quarter Moon, preceded by Venus’ ingress into Aries. The square is a challenge to our commitment to our goals.

Today’s transits can have a “ready or not, here I come” feel. How are you reacting?

When the Sun enters Aries, it’s the promise of spring, a shaft of golden sunlight, the peeping of frogs and birdcall everywhere.

But Venus? Wait, this feels personal. My values are pushing me into independent action. Suddenly I’m at the starting line of a race I’m not sure is right for me.

… Because the Moon is entering Cancer just as Venus enters Aries. And that First Quarter square is early Cancer to early Aries.

We have feels about this.

Aries might want to stuff those feelings. Don’t do that. The Cancer Moon might want to lean into the feels as a way to delay action. Don’t do that either.

The First Quarter invites us to turn the bright Aries light on in our emotional selves. Ouch.

This is where the desire for social action meets wait, I’m not ready. Where the opportunity to rejoin the world meets—you got it—wait, I’m not ready.

We have the chance to notice and honor how we actually do feel. To encounter whatever tender vulnerabilities have bloomed in social isolation. The fears about moving back into a world that isn’t what we hoped it would be.

That’s ok. Feelings are things. Our emotions need care and attention. They want to feel understood and cherished before they can shift.

Feel how your world is reorienting. Allow space for authentic emotions. Know that taking care of ourselves and those we care about is a great way to celebrate spring.

Under the covers it might be warm but you’ll miss the light. Don’t miss it. Reach out.

Image adapted from Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum

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