Waxing Trine Moon in Leo: Pixie Dust

posted in: Leo, Waning Trine | 0

Overnight tonight (EDT) we dance again with a pair of transits. These two might be mischievous. They will be playful, clever, bright, and magical.

Within the First Quarter phase, we reach a Sun–Moon trine. This one is in Fire, Leo to Aries, the warmth of the spring Sun illuminating a Moon growing into fullness.

It arrives just after midnight, playing with the idea of light at night. Venus in Aries is here too, lending her mischief to affairs of the heart.

Imagine the Rude Mechanicals in their play-within-a-play in Midsummer Night’s Dream, invoking the ‘horned moon’ as they hold up a lantern on a ladder.

An hour before, Mercury reaches their exact square to Mars, Pisces to Gemini. The trickster is afoot.

The Moon is in the house of the Sun (Leo). Mars is in the house of Mercury (Gemini). The Sun and Venus are in the house of Mars (Aries). Mercury is … off with the fairies (Pisces).

With a Mars–Mercury square, harsh words might be possible. Tonight, though, look for misdirection, cleverness and gullibility, sleight of hand magic, and playful enchantments.

Pixies are not always benevolent. They can sour milk and make car keys disappear. They are generally not malicious, though, and can be cajoled with sweets, sparkly things, and respect for their special places.

Two couples are lost in the wood at night. Two run away. Two, scorned lovers, pursue them. Things could get ugly. Enter Puck, told to sort things out, but first, confusion and upset as the lovers, enchanted, tumble in and out of love with the wrong partners.

O, what fools these mortals be!

In the end, all is well. Weddings. Fairy blessings. The dream within a dream continues.

Where is the magic in your life today? Where might you get in the way of your happy endings by insisting things play out exactly as you want? Where are we foolish in thinking we know it all and are in control of our lives?

Expect unlooked-for magics today.

Image adapted from Max Felner

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