Solstice: High Summer

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Overnight, the Sun enters Cancer for the Summer Solstice (in the northern hemisphere). The Sun stands still for three days, as high and bright as they’ll be this year.

This is maximum Sun. While the heat of summer is far from over, the Sun will begin moving lower in the sky, rising later and setting earlier.

These days are the zenith.

The Sun is not at their best in Cancer, preferring Fire to Water. There’s plenty of Fire in the Solstice chart, though, ready to fire up this season.

The Moon, ruler of the Sun in Cancer, is squaring the Sun from early Aries. This Moon is conjunct Jupiter, adding warmth, expansiveness, and liberality of spirit.

Jupiter also brings dignity to the Sun. Exalted in Cancer, Jupiter squares the Sun, exalted in Aries. They are in mutual reception, smoothing each other’s way.

Mars, ruler of the Moon and Jupiter in Aries, is likewise in Aries. Here we find a driving need to be active, reach for goals, leap over barriers, and succeed.

Not quite the lazy days of summer vibe.

In Cancer, the Sun wants to nurture, protect, and secure the safety of anyone we count as family. Biological, adoptive, blended, found, all kinds of families belong here.

Moon–Jupiter in Aries points to expansive new beginnings. Perhaps your circle will welcome new members. Maybe connections within the family can be strengthened, becoming warmer and stronger.

The downside imight show up as lines being drawn and boundaries fiercely defended. Aries cuts. When linked to a felt need to protect core values and folk, anger and angry actions can result.

We’re already seeing too much focus on who belongs and who needs to be excluded. Let’s be sure we make our decisions for solid reasons. If boundaries do need to be set, avoid acting (and speaking) in anger or in ways that harm others.

Look for a good balance between the cool waters of Cancer (which run deep) and the bright warmth of Aries. This season, find ways to channel Aries’ Fire into connection rather than divisiveness.

Image adapted from Pixabay

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