Last Quarter Moon in Pisces: Frame

posted in: Last Quarter Moon, Pisces | 0

The Sun–Moon square of the Last Quarter phase brings us halfway between the Full and New Moon. It’s time to make good on our plans.

This Last Quarter holds many shifts, pivots, and endings.

The Sun and Moon are in the final, intense degrees of Gemini and Pisces. Generally, squares between mutable signs are not that challenging. The mutable signs know how to adjust, make room, and compromise.

This time it feels as if there’s more at stake.

At the end of Gemini, the duality of this sign must resolve. To move ahead, we must choose one path. Divided allegiance won’t serve us.

At the end of Pisces, an entire journey, world view, or way or being ends to allow the experience rebirth in Aries.

Notice how the chart is organized around the Nodes of the Moon.

The Moon is conjunct Neptune, trining the South Node, and sextiling the North Node and Venus. We are deep in mystery. This Pisces Moon connects us to both past and future, which the cosmic perspective of Pisces easily encompasses.

The Sun separates from a trine to Saturn while squaring Neptune as well as the Moon. We feel the weight of choice. We need to be responsible, but the path ahead is not as clear as we’d like.

Taurus longs for stability and comfort. Venus is loyal and nurturing. The North Node and Uranus shake things up. We feel the need for change but which path is best? We fear making the wrong choice.

Scorpio sees clearly in the dark. Sometimes fear is the path. Sometimes, once we choose, fear dissipates.

The South Node holds the keys. This is where the lines converge. Here we find the past with its legacies and challenges.

Can we find a path from past to future?

The Moon and Neptune, trining the South Node and sextiling the North, offer an array of possibilities: fear and hope, discernment and delusion, denial and dedication.

Our task is to choose. How we frame our choices goes a long way to determining the outcome.

Title adapted from Khaled Reese

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