Mars Square Saturn: At the Gates

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Mars square Saturn. Irresistible force meets immovable object.

These two square off exactly today after circling around, and around, which they’ll continue to do for months to come.

The tension between wanting to act, needing to DO something, and being told no, wait, you can’t, it’s not safe, reaches a peak.

Each is in a strong, one might say unassailable, position. Saturn in Capricorn stands firm in a fortress built to withstand the strongest blast. Mars in Aries shows up with a new super weapon designed to bring down the thickest walls.

In a square like this, we tend to ask, Who will win?

It might be better to ask, What does winning look like?

Right now, Mars is direct and Saturn is retrograde. Martian desire, energy, anger, drive are clear and high. Saturn is implacable, hunkered down, playing the long game.

When they meet again in September, Mars will be Rx and Saturn Dx. Martian energy will have gone underground. Not any less powerful, but harder to see, understand, and predict.

Today we see the first meeting, in the sense of a contest or battle. Mars is at Saturn’s gates with a long list of demands. But he probably doesn’t expect to get them all. Might not expect any of them. This is a test. Of strength. Will. Power.

So today we pay attention. What emotions emerge? What drives surge? Where is the “no” coming from? What form does it take? How do we respond, or not? What strategies and tactics might be effective?

Mars Dx is much easier to manage than Mars Rx. Today is a trial run, a preview. Learn where the real limits are. Figure out what happens when a goal is denied, forward movement blocked.

Or you could have a breakthrough, reach a desired end. What then? How does that feel? What comes next?

Using this Mars–Saturn square as a case study will help us navigate Mars’ long and complicated journey through Aries during the rest of this challenging year.

Image adapted from Timur Kozmenko

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