Waxing Sextile Moon in Scorpio: Still Point

posted in: Scorpio, Waxing Sextile | 0

“…at the still point, there the dance is…”
T.S. Eliot

Within the Crescent phase, Sun and Moon reach a sextile which, if watched for, can be a moment of insight.

We are in this moment now. Where I am, the Sun is up but much of life remains quiet.

We’ve shifted seasons from the vibrant roar of the Lion into the quieter touch of the Lady. Virgo is a sign of care, of healing touch, of a love for the myriad details of the world.

Here, we know that small things matter. That the curve of a leave holds as much life and meaning as the crest of a mountain.

The Sun @t 0 Virgo, the Moon at 0 Scorpio, this is the opening of an interesting conversation. Or, more accurately, a time of shared understanding without words.

Mars @ 26 Aries applies ever more closely to square Saturn while also trining the South Node and sextiling the North Node.

Mars holds attention. Brash, determined, he creates the expectation that something is about to happen. Saturn might allow some actions but will certainly block others, or try to. Who will win out?

The Sun and Moon watch. Not with any particular concern, but simply to bear witness to what occurs.

This waxing sextile might feel like the moment when the tide pauses before turning, the moment as one breath ends and another begins.

Sometimes we learn the most by being still. Without striving, we hold space for whatever wants to happen. If we can, we will learn something, potentially something important.

It’s a good day to remain quiet, pay attention, withhold judgement, and see what emerges.

Image adapted from Kevin Mueller

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