Last Quarter Moon in Virgo: Other Dimensions

Just after midnight EST, we slip into the Last Quarter with the Moon in mid Virgo. We pivot toward the coming New Moon. It’s time to take action on what we’ve learned this lunar cycle.

This Virgo Moon is sensitive, yet grounded. The Moon wants to craft creative solutions to the issues before us.

Everything feels urgent. Everything is on fire. The Sun and Mars want to charge in. The Moon says, hmmm, do we have a plan? Squaring the Sun and Mars, the Moon says, slow down.

There’s a wider context.

Neptune in late Pisces is stationing to turn direct Dec 6. The field of dreams, fogs of confusion, and calls to go deep and look within are very strong. Is this how things are? Or are we being deceived?

Venus just entered Scorpio to trine Saturn in Pisces and sextile Mercury in Capricorn. These three are communicating. We need to go deep and face the truth despite our fears (Venus). Understanding structure is vital, but challenging (Saturn).

Mercury in Capricorn wants to stand up for clear, methodical thinking, yet Mercury is slowing down. We’re not moving forward as we’d like. Next week, Mercury turns retrograde.

We’re asked to consider both the macro (Saturn and Neptune in Pisces) and the micro (Moon in Virgo). Venus in Scorpio can hold this, but Mercury in Cap is struggling. It feels like too much.

What if we go meta and embrace both? Think holograms and fractal math. The micro contains the macro. The macro reflects the micro.

Walt Whitman’s poem, Song of Myself, says, “I contain multitudes.”

He was born with a Grand Trine in Fire that included a Neptune–Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius trine his Aries Mars and Moon in Leo. He could feel what is true for all of us.

When we’re feeling small and insignificant, reach for that connection to all that is.

When we’re feeling overwhelmed with how much there is to do, understand that small things, done with great heart, ripple out into the world in ways we cannot see.

2 Responses

  1. Denisse

    I hope mercury in cap even retrograde will help us all make understand the current state of affairs, internally and externally, locally and globally. There is a reason for these events and emotions. With capricorn in mercury maybe we can find and create new sound structures with the creative compassionate planetary energies wading in Piscean/Neptunian waters.

    • RisingMoon

      This is going to be an interesting Rx for Mercury. Since they’re only going to be slightly into Cap when they turn RX, a lot of the retrograde will actually be in Sag. So, I agree that this one will be a chance to learn, but first we’ll need to reexamine Sag qualities like the love for speed and a tendency to be convinced we’re right and get contentious about it.

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