Disseminating Moon in Cancer: Deep Emotion

Tonight we enter the Disseminating phase as we gear down from the full court press of the Gemini Full Moon. This phase is about sharing Full Moon illuminations, yet the message we want to share is “I’m staying home.”

This Moon in late Cancer is in the 12th House. It’s giving “I’m joining a cloister.” Western NC is in its first deep cold snap, and it’s giving hibernation. Mama Bear growing her thickest coat and not moving until March.

That’s not the whole picture.

The Moon anchors a Cardinal Grand Cross, opposing Pluto, squaring the Nodes, Venus, and Eris. This reminds us how very present the world is.

The Cancer Moon feels tender, unable to bear the tragedies unfolding around us. Even when we are safe, warm, and well fed, it can be hard to think about those who are not. Those who are suffering.

Pluto at the end of Capricorn says, well, you have to. You (collectively) created these disasters. They’re not going to fix themselves. Roll up your sleeves and get to work, or rue the consequences.

The Nodes of the Moon link to our paths from the past to the future.

Eris and the North Node represent Aries polarities. Grasping, self-entered greed on one hand; the desire to put out fires and save the world on the other.

Venus and the South Node stand up for the Libran side, which can lean into giving away too much to keep a shallow peace, or holding out for bringing everyone to the table to hammer out justice.

Mercury in the final, intense degree of Sagittarius is at the end of their rope. In addition, a Mercury retrograde is coming and we’ve already entered its shadow.

Neptune at the end of Pisces is trining the Moon and squaring Mercury. Our dreams and longings are deeply felt, while our grasp of logic and evidence is tenuous.

We’re not doing our best thinking right now, which only increases the desire to pull the covers over our heads and wait for better times.

Rest is important. Keeping ourselves resourced and healthy is vital. There’s nothing wrong with taking care of ourselves. These are things we must do.

Yet when self care shades into checking out of what’s happening in our communities and our world, Pluto is there to remind us we’re making a Faustian bargain.

It’s not easy to find the right balance. Maybe the next few days will be a time to rest and recoup. But don’t turn your face away from the world. We need all of us present.

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