Balsamic Moon in Scorpio: Inner Work

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Overnight, we slip into the Balsamic phase. The Balsamic Moon arrives after 2 am EST, before midnight on the west coast, and later in the morning out to the east.

Many time zones will have a night chart, making the Moon the key luminary.

The Sun remains important, always. Still traveling with Mars, both are thirsty for knowledge and for adventure. During the Balsamic Moon, though, our adventure turns inward.

This Moon is conjunct Virgo and opposite Jupiter. Both benefics strengthen and support the Moon’s journey through the depths of Scorpio. It’s like we’re heading into a dark cave, but with plenty of light and warm things to wear.
The Moon and Venus sextile Mercury, another sign we’re on an inward journey. Mercury has entered their pre-retrograde shadow. This is a preview of the territory we will revisit when Mercury turns retrograde and walks back.

Saturn is also involved, reminding us of the importance of rest. The Moon and Venus trine Saturn, drawing on ancient traditions for wisdom.

The Moon goes dark in this phase, the last light of the thin crescent waning into nothing. We can rest in the darkness, allowing our bodies and minds to relax.

Saturday night, Venus reaches her exact opposition to Jupiter. This is a dynamic conversation, with Jupiter in Taurus, Venus’ nighttime home.

Oppositions are sometimes contentious. Remember, though, that any opposition is like a Full Moon. The planets involved face each other, illuminating each other fully.

As we rest with this intense and dark Moon, we make peace between inner and outer, the seen and unseen, the physical and the mystical.

We release anything that is not essential to who we are and who we wish to become.

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