Last Quarter Moon in Virgo: Balance

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At this Last Quarter, we find the careful Virgo Moon at the bendings. There’s a delicate balance to be found here.

The bendings are the points squaring the nodal axis. They represent places where things change relative to the Nodes of the Moon. In other words, something changes that affects our life path from past to future.

Now, of course the Moon is at the bendings as she squares the Sun. This lunar cycle, we’re traveling between eclipses. It makes sense that the halfway point from Full Moon to New would also be halfway between the Nodes.

The Last Quarter is a time to make good on what we developed during the waxing phase and what we learned at the Full Moon. This Virgo Moon is ready to take detailed, deliberate, focused action.

So what do we need to do? Eclipses are not great on clarity when we’re right on top of them. There’s a chaotic feel, a sense the energies are bigger than what we can manage on our own. It can feel like anything could happen.

Within that “big energy” feel, though, there’s still the chop wood, carry water Virgo Moon.

What needs tending? What needs mending? Old sayings like “a stitch in time saves nine” were written by and for Virgo. Here we want to feel balanced. At peace with the past and heading toward the future.

In the next few days, check in with yourself and your circumstances. What have you, perhaps, let go of as things spun a little out of control?

If your checklist is complete (are you a Virgo?), then look ahead. What could you take care of now that would free up time and energy in the weeks to come?

This Virgo Moon at the bendings, caught between the Nodes, wants to get prepared.

Image adapted from Renè Müller

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