Waning Sextile Moon in Libra: Moving toward Healing

posted in: Libra, Waning Sextile | 0

We’re into tonight’s Waning Sextile already, as the Sun and Moon form that 60 degree, energized communication link.

The luminaries are talking and they’re far from alone. If we tune into this conversation, we can learn.

The Sun in Sagittarius loves being a bit of an expert, but then they do know a lot. Also, Mercury is only starting to separate from their illuminating cazimi with the Sun last night. Did you wake up this morning with a brilliant thought? Thank Mercury and the Sun.

Looking around the circle, we see the Moon trining Saturn, supporting clarity of thinking and maintaining good boundaries. This means the Sun and Mercury are sextiling Saturn, who might want to rein in galloping Sag energy but also lends gravitas to Sag learning.

The Sun and Mercury trine Chiron the wounded healer, who opposes the Moon. Ah, here we have an opportunity.

What did you discover lately that is calling for healing? Where did you bump up against something or someone who hurt you? How did you handle it? How do you feel about it now?

All of these questions are worth exploring at a time when the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Chiron all connect. The goals are understanding and then healing.

Image adapted from Sharon McCutcheon

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