Balsamic Moon in Libra: Essential

posted in: Balsamic Moon, Libra | 0

Tonight the Moon in late Libra steps us through into the Balsamic phase. Our night light grows dim. We pull in, turning our attention to what is completed. It’s time for releasing. Composting. Withdrawing energy from what is no longer functional.

Once again, we’re in a series of complicated conversations. Themes of transformation and healing come forward.

The Moon is semi-square the Sun. This 45° angle is halfway between the Last Quarter square and the New Moon conjunction. We shift focus to the coming New Moon, this one a full Solar Eclipse.

The Moon anchors a weighty conversation. She opposes Eris, who forces our attention to global issues.

Venus will soon conjunct Pluto and station retrograde. Together, these two in late Capricorn, square the Moon and Eris.

Also joining the table is Jupiter, trine the Moon and sextile Eris.

This conversation says things like:

How to we find solutions to the grave issues we face within our communities?
How do we create a global community to reach consensus?
How do relationships need to transform to allow for cooperative thought and action?
What are the consequences of failing in the face of these challenges?

Jupiter’s role is to infuse this grim T-square with hope. To remind us that community begins with connection, celebration, and friendship. Jupiter brings in old wisdom traditions and says, let’s not forget these.

Venus and Pluto are also at the center of a triangle. Neptune and Mars trine each other and both sextile Venus and Pluto.

This conversation reminds us that the pragmatic, physical world of Capricorn is infused with and connected to Mystery. The mysteries of the psyche (Mars in Scorpio) and of the cosmos (Neptune in Pisces) are right here. They surround us. They provide a deeper, longer, richer context.

Meanwhile, the Sun and Mercury continue to trine Chiron while all sextile Saturn. Yes, we need to actively pursue healing. We need supportive structures for our individual lives so we can consider the global as well.

What is essential, going forward?

Image adapted from Tim Mossholder

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