Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Far from Home

We reach the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius early tomorrow morning (February 26, 6:27 am EST) with the Moon in Sagittarius. A Sag Moon with Jupiter also in Sag ought to be a happy-go-lucky time full of optimism and confidence.

Indeed, we may experience some welcome lightheartedness.

Yet the overall pattern suggests our happiness may be tempered by nostalgia for the past and concern for the future.

The Moon’s conjunction with Ceres is bittersweet. Ceres is a gardener who traveled far and wide in search of her missing daughter. The Moon is also inconjunct Mars in Taurus, who wants to dig deep and plant his roots in good soil.

Volatile Uranus and Eris square the Nodes of the Moon: The path from past to present feels edgy, uncertain, and dangerous. Venus is conjunct the South Node in Capricorn, highlighting the value of tradition and staying the course. Mercury in Pisces trines the South Node in Cancer from within his retrograde shadow: The road ahead beckons but is shrouded in fog.

The Last Quarter Moon is a turning point. We gain insight. We consolidate what we have learned. We may reach a deep understanding.

We are committed to this road to the future even as we realize the destination is farther off than we thought. The journey is harder. There is no turning back. We make a conscious choice to celebrate every good thing along the way.

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