Balsamic Moon in Capricorn: Immersed in the Past

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We are now in the time of the Balsamic Moon, the darkening time. Trusting in the light of the New Moon to come, we release what no longer helps us, what is holding us back, what is ready to be composted.

We sit with the past. The karmic past, ancestral past, and personal past may all be present these next few days. They tug at us, wanting attention, offering information, asking for healing.

Conjunct the South Node, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, and also conjunct Venus newly in Aquarius, the Moon holds vigil. We feel the weight of the past. We hear the calls to honor tradition, to do what has always been done, to follow the rules.

This is a winnowing time. Some of the old ways offer a true path through difficult times. Others are remnants of hurtful choices and harmful traditions.

In our personal past, too, we assess what is worth keeping and renewing, and what must be let go.

Venus in Aquarius helps us choose. She is the radical, the one who can show us how to remake the best of the old. She is fascinated with what is ahead of us and ready to help us create an amazing future.

Time, thought, and emotion move slowly. Mercury reaches the end of dreamy Pisces, where he will soon station retrograde. This is a dream time, a place where true visions and dangerous delusions are both present.

We know what is calling us. We gather strength and protection, and step willingly into the dark, knowing gold is there to be found.

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