Last Quarter Moon in Pisces: Metamorphosis

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The processes of creation and reform now shift into something deeper as the Moon steps into Pisces. Last Quarter Moons are often times we’re meant to act on what we’ve learned. But this time, what do we know? What action is possible?

Our action might be to step into mystery.

The Pisces Moon squares the Nodes as well as the Sun which of course makes sense. We’re at the bendings, the moment between one eclipse and another. Our path is not clear.

Mercury is under the beams of the Sun and cannot be seen in the sky. They’re in a liminal space, turning back, picking up lost things, focused inward.

We find Venus in the final, intense degree of Gemini just before entering Cancer to trine Jupiter. At the end of Gemini, Venus is polarized. Choices must be made, but which is best? We’re poised on the edge of a blade.

As the second Saturn–Uranus square looms, we want to keep track of where the two contenders are. Saturn trines the Sun and North Node, introducing a measure of stability, but it might feel more like unwelcome attempts to control than well-intentioned calls for prudence. Meanwhile, the Moon continues to favor the forces of change, sextiling Uranus.

Mars trails clouds of glory as he leaves a trine with Neptune, swimming toward a surface he might not recognize. He moves to oppose Pluto, another catalyst of transformation.

We’re in an in-between time when things are not as they seem. Our world in undergoing a sea change into something rich and strange. Do we like it? Are we comfortable? These almost feel like the wrong questions. Instead, we bear witness to what unfolds, playing our roles even as the outcomes are hidden in the mist.

Image adapted from Mikk Tõnissoo

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